Friday, March 5, 2010

Molly Cate is 5!!

For Molly's 5th birthday she stated that she wanted to get her ears pierced. So, last Friday night M came and stayed with the twins, we dropped Jack off at a birthday party, and John and I took Molly to the mall to get it done. She was SUPER excited until we actually walked into the store. Once she saw all of the people standing around watching her and knew it was really happening she started freaking out in true Molly fashion. I was able to hold her on my lap and settle her down enough to stay still and she went through with it. She LOVES them!!

The series of pictures below is out of order( I was too tired to go back and change it) so follow the captions to see the big event!

All done!! There's my sweet baby's smile!

The big moment. Notice me flinching too! :)

Marking her ears...she was okay with this part because it was a purple marker!

Cleaning her ears

Anxiously waiting for it to start

1 comment:

Staci said...

Such a brave girl. Shea, you look beautiful in those pictures.