Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Summa Summa Summa Time"

Isn't the next line..."Time to sit back and unwind"

NOT FOR US!!  Too many places to go and people to see!!

Since school let out the end of May, the Bradford Bunch has been on the move.  We went to Disney for a week, had a small break, went to Indiana for Granny's 90th birthday celebration, had a smaller break, and the crammed 2 camping trips into a weeks time...whew!  The rest of July looks to be just as crazy with 2 more camping trips scheduled and Jack and Molly spending a week in Myrtle Beach with Grammy and Grampy and their cousins Thomas and Daniel.  The summer is flying by and school will be here before we know it....slow down summer time because I do love you so!!

This is what you get when you give your 7 year old the camera on a road trip.

Molly hiking the nature trail at the Andrew Jackson State Park.

John is quite the "teacher"

Jack showing off a pretty leaf he found on the trail.

Macy (AKA "silly goose")

Sophie the "dare devil"

The twins...can you tell them apart?

More pictures of our summer time adventures to come soon!!  Have a great weekend!!

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