Monday, March 22, 2010

Has It Been 3 Years Already?

My babies are 3 years-old tomorrow.  These past 2 months have been rough but my babies continued to grow up through it all.  In just the past 3 weeks Sophie and Macy have given up passy's, dropped their naps, and learned to use the potty.  3 years ago they were born 10 weeks early weighing 3 pounds 8 ounces and 2 pounds 15 ounces.  They now weigh 29 and 28 pounds and will start preschool this fall.  They LOVE to sing and dance, eat, help Mommy clean, make messes so they can help Mommy clean, fight with each other, fight with Jack and Molly, and giggle.  They make me smile 1000 times a day even when I want to strangle them :)  We love our Boo Boo and Peanut and know our lives would be incomplete without them.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Happy Birthday Sophie and Macy. We love you and can't wait to see you this weekend :)