Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Things About Me

1. I have been kissing the same man for 17 years and I still like it.
2. I have 4 kids and have only been pregnant 3's the way to go!
3. I used to be REALLY shy.
4. I'm not really a social butterfly...much to my husband's annoyance. My idea of a great night out is dinner with friends and lots of wine.
5. I LOVE to shop for shoes and bags (purses,luggage, name it)!
6. I am technically a middle child...Mallory is 10 years younger than me and Staci is 3 years older...but I still think I'm the baby.
7. So far I don't like my 30's more than my 20's...all those people who said I would are crazy!
8. My sweet Daddy has always given me whatever I want when I cry ;) Sometimes works on my husband but not as much!
9. I LOVE dark chocolate and always justify it because THEY SAY it's "good for your heart!"
10. Ever since my kids were born I have always wondered exactly who the THEY was in "They say..."
11. I am awful at keeping in touch...thank you FB...I miss you Michelle. Graduate school was such a fun time!!
12. I have been blessed to meet the 3 significant women in my life who I will always trust my heart too...lynn, cindy, and amy (you need to come back :( )
13. I was voted friendliest in high school...that still makes me smile :)
14. I love music! My kids and I have a nightly dinner ritual of cranking up Beyonce's "Single Ladies" and dancing around the house. My almost 2 year olds were in their cribs the other night saying over and over..."WA OH OH!"
15. I didn't vote for Obama but wish I would have.
16. I LOVE DISNEY WORLD!! I cry at all of the parades and fireworks...cheezy I know!
17. My family and close friends have always called me sweet husband still does.
18. My children make me laugh every day...and yell...but mostly laugh!
19. If I were stranded on a deserted island I would want LOTS of books! My husband complains about how much i read...I guess I should be paying bills or something constructive like that ;)
20. I'm a good swimmer but a little nervous of water...not helpful when you live on the lake.
21. I'm obsessed with Twilight. Read all 4 books in a 2 week period! :P
22. At 33 years old I've finally discovered "my type of guy." He's macho, rugged, and scruffy...Jeffrey Dean Morgan (AKA Denny) He's yummy!
23. I struggle really hard to be the best woman, wife, mommy, sister,daughter,sister-in-law,daughter-in-law, co-worker, and friend I know how to be. I always want people to know that I appreciate them!
24. I'm really proud of all I accomplish on a weekly basis.
25. I have always thought of myself as a little dorky :)

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