Monday, January 26, 2009

Medical Update

Ok, here goes... Since October 2008 we have had:

1. upper respiratory infection X6 which all required nebulizer treatments at least 3 times a day
2. ear infections x4 resulting in 2 sets of tubes
3. bronchitis
4. whooping cough
5. warts
6. sinus infections
7. bruised tail bone
8. sprained ankle
9. stomach virus
10. pus oozing ears, noses, and eyes
11. LOTS of smiles
12. OODLES of giggles
13. THOUSANDS of kisses
14. COUNTLESS hugs
15. UNFORGETTABLE "I love you"s

This has been such a rough season and it's not over yet, but how can I complain...I am blessed more than I deserve.


Anonymous said...

When you say warts, are you talking about Meluscum?

Anonymous said...

Or "molluscum", as it's also spelled...

Anonymous said...

"Bruised tail bone". I'd be more concerned with the fact one of your brood has a tail!