Monday, October 20, 2008






Macy is now the "mean" one! She bites, hits, and scratches and throws herself down into very dramatic fits with her hands over her eyes. However, she is my snuggler and is often giving me hugs and kisses. Sophie is my "tom boy." She loves to throw balls, run and jump. She only snuggles when she feels like it. Molly is as dramatic as ever and does not appreciate being awakened in the mornings. Jack is FULL of random facts and loves to write and spell. His parent/teacher conference is this Thursday so I'll post soon!


1 comment:

Nancy said...

Here's a blast from your past! Wow - 4 kids! I am pregnant with our third, a girl to add to our two boys.

I found your blog through Anne's - a link to mine is on hers if you want to check it out.

Good gracious, I have a hundred questions for you, but in the interest of not writing a novel here in the comments section, I'll just say that it's great to be able to catch up with you via blog!!