Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Parties Are Over

Another fun weekend at the Bradford house has passed! It all started on Thursday which was Jack's 5th birthday. Aunt Staci, Max, Abby, and Lucy came back to stay with us. I took the 4 big kids to Jack's t-ball practice while Staci stayed home with the 3 babies. I got home and she had all the babies fed, bathed, and ready for bed...go Staci ;)!! Jack decided that for his birthday dinner he wanted pizza from the pizza guy so we ordered Pizza Hut and had all of our kids plus 3 of Jack's friends from the neighborhood over for a fun dinner. John made it home from Little Rock that night.

Saturday, the day of Jack's birthday party at the park, began as a very cold and rainy didn't change as the morning went on :(! John being the awesome Daddy that he is got on the phone at around 10 am and booked a party at Monkey Joe's VERY last minute. I had to call the 19 kids that had RSVP'd to the party to let them know the location had changed. Jack was so excited to have his party at Monkey Joe's. I think that is where he really wanted it to be, but I had convinced him that the park would be fun because it was a lot cheaper. After a week of 70 & 80 degree weather I was sure that the park would be great. Never trust the weather I guess. The party ended up being great, a little too crowded, but great! Jack had a fantastic time as well as all of his friends. He said his favorite part was opening the presents - surprise, surprise! Thanks to all friends and family who helped out and just joined us for the party. We are truly blessed to have you all in our lives. And yes, I did get teary when Jack was opening his presents and it hit me for the first time that my baby is 5...time truly flies by...

Make a wish

His favorite part...sitting in the huge MJ chair and opening the loot!

Molly after 1 piece of cake an 2 cupcakes

Monkey Joe himself...completely terrifying to Max (Jack's cousin)

Jack and his buddy Tripp on their skateboards.

Look at that move;) The skateboard was his present from John and me.

John and Molly on the "Big Slide!"

Grammy and Grampy with Sophie and Macy


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