Monday, March 10, 2008

Catching Up

Where to start!?! The past year has been quite a blur. After 3 years off, I decided to go back to work 2 days a week. I was the Speech Pathologist at a school here in Charlotte and 2 weeks after I started I found out I was pregnant with our third child. About 15 weeks later I was dumbfounded to find out that our third child was actually identical twin girls. Through a rough pregnancy the babies were diagnosed with chronic Twin - to- Twin Transfusion Syndrome which basically means that one baby gets all the good stuff while the other baby does not get enough. We were fortunate to get to almost 31 weeks and the girls were delivered by C-Section 9 weeks early. They stayed in the NICU for 5 weeks and both came home on April 28, 2007.

Now, Jack is turning 5 and getting ready for Kindergarten, Molly just turned 3 and starting preschool next year, and Sophie and Macy are completely healthy and about to turn 1!! I am once again back at work 2 days a week at a fantastic charter school in Davidson, NC which is where Jack will go next year for kindergarten. John is still with IBM and running Park Avenue Properties so he works ALL the time! Our lives are wonderfully chaotic!! I wanted to post a few pictures from the past year to get everyone caught up but the server would not let me! I'll try again tonight.

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